Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First Nations Legacy - Series Introduction

Misquamicut, Ethete, Chinle...
Opossum, chigger, ipecac, toboggan, hurricane...

These are names and words that define American English and tell the stories of how Europeans adapted to life on this continent.

They learned about new ways of dealing with people, new ways of cooking, sleeping, traveling and governing from the people of the First Nations, and today we carry on their legacy.

During the coming months, we will take a look at the cultural legacy of indigenous Americans.

Join us during News on the Range, weekdays at 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for First Nations Legacy, on KRFC 88.9 FM and on the Web at

Moccasin, Oklahoma, maraca, tumpline, potato, anorak, manatee, Canada, alpaca...

Many thanks to Eric Herrera and Price Berryman for their song "Flight of the Hawk," which is featured throughout First Nations Legacy.


sf said...

I will def. tune in!

Ess said...

Good stuff, Jamie! I'll listen more tomorrow when all beasties are sleeping! :D


Jamie said...

Thanks for checking in!
